All eligible 1st Employment internal employees qualify for a quarterly All-Inclusive Perk Stipend of $120 as part of their total rewards and compensation package. As a reminder, eligible employees are defined as any employee working an average of 30 hours per week and on 1st Employment internal payroll for more than 30 days.
At 1st Employment we are leveraging perk stipends as a benefit to help reinforce our values as an organization and enhance how we work as a team. This stipend can be used at each team member’s discretion for everything from meals, books, pet grooming, exercise, charitable giving, student loan payments, childcare, and much more. You have the freedom of choice to spend your stipend in whatever way allows you to be your best self at work and in your personal life.
To provide you with a 100% personalized and inclusive perk stipend system we have created 1st Perks. Through 1st Perks we are able to make available to you each quarter your perk stipend funds and enables you to get reimbursed for the benefits that are most meaningful to you and your always evolving needs. Reimbursement payments are issued with our bi-weekly internal payroll. Unused balance will reset each quarter.