
Educational Resources

The Northwest Technical Institute is an excellent local resource available to NWA residents. They provide ESL classes as well as Citizenship and GED preparation courses. These are all available to the public for FREE.


The Adult Education Center at NWTI offers free instruction to adults who need to obtain a high school equivalency diploma (GED®) or wish to improve basic academic skills.

Classes are also offered for non-native speaking adults who desire to speak, read, and write the English language, or obtain United States Citizenship. In addition, academic computer skill training, workplace training and WAGE certifications, career support, and test preparation assistance are available.

Fall Registration Now Open!

English as a Second Language – Citizenship – GED Preparation
All Adult Education Services are FREE of charge!

Las inscripciones de Otoño ya están abiertas

Inglés – Preparación para la Ciudadanía – Clases para obtener GED

¡Totalmente Gratis!


Lunes y Martes de 8 am a 8 pm.
Miércoles y Jueves de 8am a 5 pm.


610 E Emma Ave. Suite 200
Springdale, AR