
Gates Orientation Form

Gates Orientation
Gates Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of power transmission belts and a premier global manufacturer of fluid power products.


The following conditions are absolute and non-negotiable.  Please initial after each statement to indicate your compliance.  Any employee in violation of these practices is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

  1. One of the leading causes of back injury in the workplace is an improper lifting technique. Use proper lifting techniques to help you avoid these very painful injuries.
    1. Size up the load before trying to lift it.
    2. Bend your knees. Allow your legs, not your back, to do the work.
  • Carry the load close to your body.
  1. Do not twist or turn your body once you have made the lift.
  2. Make sure you can carry the load where you need to go before attempting to move it. Make sure your path is free of obstacles and there are no hazards such as spills in your path.
  3. Set the load down properly. Lower your body slowly, letting your legs do most of the work.

Always push, not pull an object.  Pushing puts less strain on the back. 

GEM Constitution
Our mission at Gates is to satisfy our customer's expectations by manufacturing and marketing engineered products for original equipment and replacement markets. One means of accomplishing our mission is through the principles of the GEM philosophy, which creates a sense of pride, involvement, and commitment for all by increasing challenges and opportunities, and by encouraging everyone to be involved in the communities where we operate. Team and individual ownership of the GEM principles is critical to our success. The principles of the GEM philosophy are:

  • · · ·

Achieve a high level of safety, customer satisfaction,
quality, housekeeping, attendance, and productivity.

  • · · ·

Maintain union-free facilities where Gates employees
represent their own views and opinions.

  • · · ·

All employees treat everyone fairly, consistently, with dignity and respect.

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All employees achieve high levels of performance through
self-managed behavior and mutual trust.

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Maintain an open and involved approach to communication.

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Principles of the GEM interviewing, hiring, promotion, and transfer
process are followed by all employees.

  • · · ·

All employees participate in facility-wide, departmental, and team meetings
which keep everyone informed of facility goals, progress and plans, and provide
a forum for all to discuss and respond to issues.

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Participate in regular opinion surveys.

  • · · ·

Seek training, counseling, performance planning and feedback
necessary for successful performance and to enhance improvement.

  • · · ·

Participation by everyone in team activities of problem solving,
operations improvement, and ownership of facility results.

  • · · ·

Recognize the performance and accomplishments of all employees
which support the values and goals of our facilities.

This job has been classified by our client as Safety Sensitive according to state law guidelines and drug testing and fit-for-duty evaluation may be required as a condition of employment.

  1. Gates Corporation (“Gates”) is the worlds leading Manufacturer of power Transmission belts and a premier global manufacturer of fluid power products. As an engineering leader, Gates facilities contain highly specialized manufacturing processes, sophisticated industrial equipment, and confidential business information. Therefore, we ask that any individual entering a Gates facility sign the below agreements prior to gaining access to the premises.


Non-Disclosure Agreement

In contemplation of the potential disclosure of confidential information to me while on Gates premises, I hereby acknowledge and agree as follows;

  • I agree to keep confidential and not disclose any information acquired by me as a result of my visit to the Gates facility that was not previously known to that was not previously known to me from other sources or which is not available to general public.
  • I will not discuss, use, reproduce, or dispose of any knowledge, data, or information that I acquired as a result of my visit to the Gates facility without the written permission of Gates. This prohibition includes sharing the information with my company or colleagues unless I am granted express authorization from Gates to do so.
  • This agreement shall continue in force and effect until the confidential information has become generally known or until I have written permission from Gates releasing me of my obligations. Further, I understand that that confidential information is of great commercial value to Gates and that Gates will resort to any of its legal remedies to protect the confidential information, up to and including injunctive relief.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by the above terms.

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