
Job Post Incentive Program

Promoting our available job openings is crucial to our success as a company. With that in mind, we’re running a competition with the following rules:

  • Every job you send to Colton to post on our website earns you one point.
  • Every job you fill and notify Colton to remove from the website earns you one point.
  • Colton will conduct website audits each morning at 9am. If there are any broken links (this means that a job was filled in Avionte and closed but was not requested to be removed from the website) will result in a deduction of one point for your branch.
  • The branch with the highest number of points by Monday, May 1st will receive a special gift from corporate. (Must have 20+ points to qualify)

Let’s work together to make this competition a success and fill our job openings with top talent!

See a running tally of your branches points below: